Tuesday 17 May 2011

Taking the Long Way Round

Welcome to my blog in which I hope to share my experiences as I travel the Whole Wide World, essentially taking the long way round the globe on my way back home. I've been in London for eight and a half years now and will eventually be settling down in Vancouver, if settling down is even something I'm capable of! The following is a rough outline of what the next part of my life may consist of:

July 1-24 Eastern Europe - Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Poland and Berlin
July 24 Contiki tour of Scandinavia starting in Berlin and ending in Helsinki 18 days later
Aug 10 Intrepid tour starting in St. Petersberg, heading to Moscow, taking the Trans Siberian railway to Lake Baikal, heading into Mongolia and ending in Beijing 18 days later
Aug 27-Sept 6ish China
Sept 9 Michelle and Shane's wedding in Perth, Australia!!
Sept 9-22 Time in Western Australia
Sept 22-27 Singapore for the Grand Prix with Michelle and Shane
Then it gets a little less planned:
September to February will be spent in New Zealand, Australia, Tibet, Nepal, India, Japan, Kazakhstan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Laos and Vietnam
February I'll spend in Antarctica
March to July I will spend traveling up South America and Central America
July 2012 I will be back in London for the Summer Olympics!! 

At this point little is known to me as to where I may be directed.  I am missing out the Middle East and Africa.  If things seem a little more stable by next summer I may head in that direction before eventually heading back to North America.  Once back on my home continent, I plan to purchase my dream car (a bug!) and spend some time making my way across the USA.

So I think that sums up a little of my future at the moment.  Looking at it all written down is more than a little daunting.  I am super excited, but also very anxious.  I'm a little nervous I may not make it, but I refuse to think I may give up.  However, I am willing to open myself up to whatever happens on the road.  I had plans to travel the world and have ended up here in London for almost nine years so I am a model for never knowing what the future holds.  It's great to have plans and a road ahead, but I acknowledge there are many, many paths off that road.

Wish me luck as I wrap up my life here in London and learn to live out of a suitcase for an incredibly long time!!