Sunday 7 August 2011

And She's off...

Today I fly to Russia!! It's been a long wait, but my adventure has finally begun. I left Canada Saturday afternoon and arrived in London early Sunday morning. I've had 24 extremely jet lagged hours to touch base with my London family and attempt to prepare myself for the road ahead. I was in a state of complete nervousness when I left Calgary, and probably didn't give any proper goodbyes because of that (sorry my friends and family, I will miss you all!!). Today I've been very teary. I'm sure that's still nerves and extreme jet lag. I agree with my mom about not knowing why I do this to myself as the unknown affects me so badly! However, now that I'm actually on the road and about to embark on my full time traveling career, I am getting excited. I haven't really focused too much on the specifics of what I'm about to see and do, but am ready to start taking loads of photos and meeting many new people. Today I'll arrive in St Petersburg and begin my 18 day tour of Russia, Mongolia and China. I'll be in touch when I can, and am quite interested to discover just how far the Internet reaches around this world!
Circumnavigating the globe in two months!! (just wish jet lag wasn't such a pain!)

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